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    چاپگر مسطح UV بزرگ SN-2513G

    توضیحات محصول:

    Using heavy-duty aluminum alloy, the gantry milling surface is milled once, no deformation with heavy load, and the direction is accurate and no deviation.Japan original slide, high precision, ultra-quiet, high wear resistance,Fully automatic positive and negative pressure cleaning system, easier to operate and improve the life of the nozzle,Automatic height measuring components imported make the material positioning height more accurate

    مزیت محصول:

    • DConsumables: ink, coating, ink cartridge, ink bag, ink pad and other ink path parts.
    • Wearing parts: print head, cable
    • Included: 5 bottles of ink, 1000ml each. 1 liter of cleaning liquid. 3 Ricoh print heads, RIP software, 1 pack of non-woven fabrics, and 1 scraper.
    نقل قول رایگان دریافت کنید
    اشتراک گذاری در:

    Picture of outer packing box: