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    Tha clò-bhualadairean còmhnard UV a’ nochdadh neart iongantach ann an raon clò-bhualaidh ceirmeag


    Tha clò-bhualadairean còmhnard UV a’ nochdadh neart iongantach ann an raon clò-bhualaidh ceirmeag


    The development of UV flatbed printer

    Since the advent of UV flatbed printers in 2003, they have quickly occupied the market with their unique advantages. As a “dark horse” in the printing industry, UV flat panel printers with unlimited materials (such as metal, glass, ceramics, acrylic, leather, plastic, wood, etc.), no plate making, no color matching, fast sample and easy operation, etc., quickly set off a frenzy in the industry.

    However, in 2004, the UV printer industry suffered a major setback. Because the equipment is an emerging technology, many technical and after-sales aspects are not mature, the printer purchased by customers frequently fails, and the maintenance service can not keep up in time, resulting in UV printers are questioned by customers, a large number of negative information. In 2005, the UV flatbed printer industry was on the brink of elimination.

    It is in this predicament that some far-sighted enterprises begin to pay attention to product quality and after-sales service. For example, Shenzhen Dongfang Longke Industrial Co., Ltd. invested a lot of money in research and development, expanded the scale of the factory, trained personnel, and sent technicians to the United States, South Korea and other countries to learn advanced technology. These efforts have made the UV flatbed printer industry gradually mature between 2006 and 2008 and have been widely recognized by customers.

    From 2008 to 2010, UV printers entered a stage of rapid development. The popularization of the Internet makes the transmission of information become very rapid, UV flat panel printers began to move toward internationalization, some developed countries in Europe, Southeast Asia and other countries also understand the UV flat panel printer equipment through the network, have transnational inquiries. During this period, the number of domestic companies engaged in the field of UV flatbed printers also increased significantly.

    Such as,SN-3045 UV Flatbed Printer:

    UV flatbed printer in the field of ceramic printing technical advantages

    Clò-bhualadairean UV flatbed have shown extraordinary strength in the field of ceramic printing, mainly due to their unique technical advantages.

    • High-resolution image printing: UV flat panel printing technology integrates electronic control, ink use, mechanical synthesis pattern design, CNC operation and other fields of advanced technology in one. The application of ceramic products can increase the resolution of the product from 72dpi of the ordinary technology to 360dpi, and even reach 12 million pixels, which fully improves the pattern clarity of ceramic products.
    • Diverse color performance: UV flat printing does not have the separation restrictions of traditional printing methods, any part can be mixed by various colors of ink, the precise positioning brought by digital technology can achieve a large color mixing ratio in adjacent parts, and can also produce a gradual transition effect according to a very small color mixing ratio difference, making the pattern effect closer to nature.
    • No contact printing: UV flat printing does not touch the brick and no plate, so you can not see the fine print on the surface of the product, and the product is closer to nature.
      Rich personalized design: UV flat printing technology provides designers with greater design space, making a wide variety of products, personalized products emerge in endlessly.

    Such as,SN-6090 UV Flatbed Printer:

    Application advantages of UV flatbed printer in ceramic industry

    The application of UV flatbed printers in the ceramic industry not only improves the quality and beauty of the products, but also brings many advantages.

    • Shorten the production cycle: UV flat printing technology can be directly on the surface of a variety of materials such as ceramics, no additional firing process, greatly saving the production time, speed up the product to market.
    • Gnàthachadh pearsanta: With the increase in consumption upgrading and personalized demand, UV flat panel printing can achieve more fine and diversified patterns and designs to meet consumers’ needs for personalized customization and enhance the added value of products.
    • Environmental protection and energy saving: Compared with the traditional glaze color printing process, UV flat printing does not need to use organic solvents and other harmful chemicals, reducing environmental pollution, in line with the development trend of modern green environmental protection.

    Such as,SN-9060 UV Flatbed Printer:

    The development prospect of UV flatbed printer

    With the continuous progress of technology, Clò-bhualadairean pannal còmhnard UV have made significant improvements in print speed, print quality, and the range of printable materials, and the application field is also expanding, covering many industries such as advertising, home improvement, crafts, and electronic products.

    In the future, UV flatbed printers may continue to develop in the direction of higher print quality, faster print speed, wider material adaptability, and more intelligent operation. Especially in the ceramic industry, UV flatbed printers will continue to play their unique technical advantages to provide ceramic enterprises with more efficient, environmentally friendly and personalized production solutions.

    Narrative summary

    Since the advent of UV flatbed printers in 2003, it has experienced a process from inception to maturity and then to rapid development. With its high resolution image printing, diverse color performance, contact-free printing and rich personalized design and other technical advantages, UV flatbed printers have shown extraordinary strength in the field of ceramic printing. In the ceramic industry, UV flatbed printers not only shorten the production cycle, achieve personalized customization, but also in line with the development trend of environmental protection and energy saving. In the future, UV flatbed printers will continue to develop towards a higher technical level and a wider range of applications, bringing more opportunities and challenges to ceramic enterprises.

    Ceistean Cumanta Mu Chlò-bhualadairean UV Flatbed

    • An urrainn do chlò-bhualadairean còmhnard UV nithean siolandair a làimhseachadh?
      Ged a tha iad air an dealbhadh gu sònraichte airson fo-stratan còmhnard, faodaidh cuid de chlò-bhualadairean còmhnard UV a bhith uidheamaichte le ceanglachan airson clò-bhualadh air stuthan siolandair leithid botail agus mugaichean.
    • Dè a’ phàirt a th’ aig bathar-bog RIP ann an clò-bhualadh UV?
      Bidh bathar-bog RIP (Raster Image Processor), leithid VersaWorks, ag atharrachadh ìomhaighean didseatach gu stiùireadh a thuigeas an clò-bhualadair. Bidh e a’ riaghladh dath, cruth, agus càileachd clò.
    • Am bi clò-bhualadairean UV a’ sgaoileadh solas UV cronail?
      Tha clò-bhualadairean UV air an dealbhadh le sàbhailteachd san amharc. Tha an solas UV dùinte agus dìreach air a stiùireadh chun an inc, a 'lùghdachadh follaiseachd. Lean stiùiridhean sàbhailteachd an neach-dèanamh an-còmhnaidh.
    • Ciamar a tha clò-bhualadh UV an coimeas ri dòighean clò-bhualaidh traidiseanta?
      Tha clò-bhualadh UV a’ tabhann amannan tiormachaidh nas luaithe, barrachd sùbailteachd le stuthan, agus seasmhachd nas àirde an coimeas ri dòighean clò-bhualaidh traidiseanta.
    • A bheil feum air trèanadh gus clò-bhualadair UV còmhnard obrachadh?
      Ged a tha e furasta a chleachdadh, thathas a’ moladh beagan trèanaidh gus làn fheum a dhèanamh de chomasan a’ chlò-bhualadair agus càileachd clò-bhualaidh cunbhalach a chumail suas.

    Prìomh Takeaways

    • Bidh clò-bhualadairean UV Flatbed a’ tabhann sùbailteachd, a’ clò-bhualadh gu dìreach air diofar fho-stratan.
    • Tha UV Ink a’ toirt seachad clò-bhualaidhean beòthail, seasmhach a bhios a’ tiormachadh sa bhad.
    • Bidh gnàthachadh a’ leudachadh chothroman gnìomhachais, a’ coinneachadh ri iarrtasan luchd-cleachdaidh airson toraidhean pearsanaichte.
    • Bidh White Ink ag adhartachadh clò-bhualaidhean air stuthan dorcha no follaiseach.
    • Tha clò-bhualadairean deasg UV Flatbed air leth freagarrach airson gnìomhachasan beaga.
    • Le bhith a’ cleachdadh teicneòlas adhartach mar an VersaOBJECT CO Series faodaidh cinneasachd àrdachadh.
    • Tha cumail suas agus optimization ceart riatanach airson clò-bhualaidhean iongantach a choileanadh.